Deputy Director

Deputy Director
Mobas Shirin Mostofa (Mita)
Deputy Director, Sunshine Learning Center
Senior News Presenter, International Television (NTV)
General Secretary, Benuka Institute of Fine Arts
Performing art and teaching has always been a passion for Mobas Shirin Mostofa. She hadbeen following this passion for last about 30 years after completing her MSS in Anthropology fromUniversity of Dhaka. To uphold the legacy of our traditional culture Mobas Shirin Mostofa voluntarilygot involved in music and successfully accredited herself with many TV channels of Bangladeshincluding BTV.
Initially Mita worked at Action Aid Bangladesh as a field researcher and later on developedher career in Teaching with European Standard School. Following the footstep of her father MdGolam Mostofa Khan (Ekhuse and Silpakala Padak winner of 2020 and 2017 respectively) fornurturing traditional and local cultural activities of Bangladesh she also evolved herself with BenukaInstitute of Fine Arts in vocal music.
Beside her teaching functions in academic as well as cultural arena she also got involved incurrent affairs activities in form of News Presentation. She received training in New Presentation.from BBC and started her career with National Television (RTV). Now she is serving in InternationalTelevision (NTV).
Mobas Shirin Mostofa developed keen interest in teaching kids/ children and had been tryingto co-relate teaching, performing arts and children together and got herself involved with theactivities of Distress Children & Infants International (DCI), USA in Bangladesh. This associationattracted her to work for special children to form them Jewels of this society.
Mita had very closely associated with her father in flourishing traditional and local culturalactivities in Bangladesh through Benuka Institute of Fine Arts (A 40-year-old cultural Institution).After the sad diminish of her father (Md Golam Mostofa Khan) she became main driving force inBenuka to continue with the effort. Presently she is the Vice Principal and General Secretary ofBenuka Institute of Fine Arts where she simultaneously handles all the administrative andoperational issues beside imparting lessons on music.
Mobas Shirin Mostofa is one of the key founder members of Sunshine Learning Center, where shecontributed through her skill on organization, administration and performing arts. Her activeinvolvement in center’s activities really helped Sunshine to grow faster.
Mobas Shirin Mostofa is happily married and mother of a son and a daughter. Her husband isworking in Bangladesh Army in the position of a senior officer with specialization in military aviationas pilot.